Our Meeting And Events
Our meetings and events are a wonderful time. Atime of fellowship with the brethren, a time of
praise, a
time of worship and a time to hear God,s Word again.
Weekly Meetings
You can join any of our meetings online or offline. You'd be glad you did

For us as a ministry, we have chosen a day where
we set aside for reaching out to the lost and that is on Saturdays.Read more
Mid week Service
Our midweek service takes place every week on Wednesday from 6-7pm
and it happens online via our mixlr platform @gawomgasys.mixlr.comRead more
Prayer Meeting
Prayer meetings are a place to fellowship with the Father
and make power available which is dynamic in its working.Read more
More Meetings
You can join any of our meetings online or offline. You'd be glad you did

Campus Outreaches
Our Campus outreaches are other platforms with which we reach
out to students on our different campuses.Read more
Retreats are times where we lay emphasis on our behavioral and
attitudinal dispositions from the Word of God.Read more
Special Sundays
Our Sundays meetings are interesting and in fact, there are some
days where we have interesting things happening.Read more
Annual Meetings
You can join any of our meetings online or offline. You'd be glad you did

High School Camp Meetings
Our High School Camp Meeting is an opportunity and a platform
to bring together all High schoolers to a place of retreat...Read more
Pneumatikos Camp Meeting
Our Pneumatikos Camp Meeting is a camp meeting that was borne out
of the desire to also minister to our campus students.Read more
Sunday Service
Our Sunday services are a wonderful time. A time of praise, fellowship
with the brethren, worship and a time to hear God's Word again.Read more